P&A Sol guarantees that our prices are the best you'll find anywhere online for the value we provide. You'll know you're receiving the best deals available on our services. If you happen to find a better price online, and the product meets the qualifications listed below, we'll match our competitor's price or give you the difference if you have already made your purchase.
To satisfy the Best Price Guarantee
If you are interested in purchasing a product on our website that you have found publicly offered at a lower price by an established online store, please contact us by either emailing sales@p-a.solutions. Please be prepared to provide us with the exact location (URL) where you saw the price advertised. Please note that for the claim to be valid the lower price must be visible in public area of the competitor website.
If you have already purchased a product from our website that you have found offered at a lower price by an established online store, please contact us by either emailing sales@p-a.solutions. Please have your order number on hand and one of our associates will be happy to arrange a refund for the difference in price.