Data Manipulation

What is data manipulation?

Data manipulation is the process of organizing information to make it readable and understandable. Engineers perform data manipulation using data manipulation language (DML) capable of adding, deleting, or altering data. 

There are four functions or commands that direct databases where to find data and what to do with it, including:

  1. Select: Informs computer what data to select and from where in the database
  2. Update: Changes existing data (single or multiple records) with new information
  3. Insert: Moves data from one location to another
  4. Delete: Tells the system which files to remove and from where

Why is data manipulation important?

Data manipulation makes it easier for organizations to organize and analyze data as needed. It helps them perform vital business functions such as analyzing trends, buyer behavior, and drawing insights from their financial data.

Data manipulation offers several advantages to businesses, including:

  • Consistency: Data manipulation maintains consistency across data accumulated from different sources, giving businesses a unified view that helps them make better, more informed decisions. 
  • Usability: Data manipulation allows users to cleanse and organize data and use it more efficiently.
  • Forecasting: Data manipulation enables businesses to understand historical data and helps them prepare future forecasts, especially in financial data analysis.
  • Cleansing: Data manipulation helps clear unwanted data and keep information that matters. Enterprises can clean up records, isolate, and even reduce unnecessary variables, and focus on the data they need.

Performing data manipulation would require you to go through the following steps:

  • Create a database from different data sources
  • Cleanse, rearrange, and restructure data
  • Import and build a database to work with
  • Combine, merge, and remove information based on requirements
  • Acquire insights by conducting data analysis and use the derived information to make better business decisions

P&A Sol Data Manipulation jobs start with our Project Engineers. Our pricing is based on number of hours we estimate our Engineers to work on a job. Our pricing includes all cost of service and burden and is listed as follows:

Senior Data Scientist (SR DS): $99 per hour

Senior Data Engineer (SR DE): $68 per hour

Project Engineer (PE): $37 per hour

Our minimum jobs start at 20 hours of PE labor, that comes to a total price of $740 for a one week job. Email and we will provide a free accurate estimate for all your automation services.