CAM Automation

P&A Sol provides software automation for dozens of CAM technologies. The amount of time it takes to implement CAM automation in your environment will vary based on the specific workflows that you need created. With proper implementation and testing, you can have these new automated tasks up and running sooner than you think, and the time they will save you in the long run almost can't be measured! A good workflow should be able to take around a week, depending on how labor intensive they are.

All P&A Sol jobs include a project manager and a senior tech lead. Our pricing is based on number of hours we estimate a project manager and a developer to work on a job. Our pricing includes all cost of service and burden and is listed as follows:

Technical Project Manager (PM): $46 per hour
Senior Software Developer (SR SDE): $68 per hour

Software Developer (SDE): $37 per hour

Our minimum jobs start at 5 hours of PM labor and 20 hours of SR SDE labor, that comes to a total price of $1,590 for a one week job. Email and we will provide a free accurate estimate for all your automation services.

As part of a holiday special, P&A Sol is offering 2 small businesses in the manufacturing industry automation services ranging from 1 week to 4 week jobs for FREE OF CHARGE. Email with the Subject heading, "Winter Special 2022".